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基于对川北米仓山西部旺苍县鼓城乡唐家河下寒武统仙女洞组露头剖面的观察与镜下分析发现,仙女洞组下段由生物碎屑泥晶灰岩(L)、粉砂质泥岩(M)、似瘤状砾屑灰岩(L')、角砾灰岩(R)、藻凝块灰岩(A)和含生屑钙质砂岩(S)组合而成,其以角砾灰岩、似瘤状砾屑灰岩和藻凝块灰岩为特征,且发育异地岩块和滑塌变形构造。进一步分析认为:L-M岩石组合为正常的斜坡环境低能沉积;L'-R岩石组合中的角砾灰岩为上斜坡生物灰泥丘崩坍滑动至下部而形成的,似瘤状砾屑灰岩可能是由于L-M岩石组合快速沉积导致沉积物失稳滑动变形、上斜坡生物灰泥丘崩落角砾致使的差异压实和滑动、以及后期物质成分差异引起的压溶作用等共同作用的结果,从而使灰质层发生破碎并被泥质包围形成断续的砾屑状,甚至轻微的位移,进而形成条带特征不明显的杂乱变形构造;微生物岩(Mb)组合为上斜坡的灰泥丘沉积;S-M岩石组合为斜坡上部的浊流沉积。根据上述分析结果建立米仓山西部仙女洞组碳酸盐岩台缘斜坡沉积模式,表明仙女洞组沉积早期米仓山西部存在台缘斜坡相沉积。  相似文献   
地震过程中相当可观的一部分能量消耗于裂隙的活化与形成,来自汶川地震断裂带科学钻探一号孔(WFSD-1)的随钻流体表明,地震新形成的裂隙对应有较强的流体异常,它们为流体的入侵提供了良好的通道。随钻流体呈非对称性分布于主滑移面的两侧,主要的流体异常带集中在主滑移带下方须家河组顶部120 m范围内,该带中气体的含量以及变动的频率明显高于上部相同的宽度范围以及下部沉积岩层,来自地球物理测井的资料同样显示这一带破碎严重并伴随有大量水的侵入,暗示汶川地震形成的裂隙具有非对称性分布的特征。这一特征可能同时受控于断裂上盘彭灌杂岩与下盘须家河组岩层的力学性质差异以及地震破裂过程中形成的非对称性应力分布。  相似文献   
黄全海  赵尊亭  王利芳 《探矿工程》2015,42(11):66-69,79
由于施工质量问题,洛阳一个赤泥库大坝在试运行中发生大面积渗漏及管涌。在对渗漏原因进行分析的基础上实施的在坝内坡增设土工膜、坝轴线上游增设帷幕灌浆防渗墙、坝体下游坡面增设排渗沟和排水棱体等抢险加固措施,有效地解决了坝体渗漏问题。在灌浆处理过程中,针对筑坝材料的复杂性和不均匀性,通过施工前的灌浆试验,取得了适合本场地条件的钻孔施工工艺参数及灌浆方式、灌浆压力、灌浆段确定、水灰比比级等施工技术参数,确保了灌浆处理的效果。  相似文献   
对陆地泥火山流体来源及其向地表渗漏过程中的改造作用开展研究,有利于加深理解泥火山释放甲烷的碳排放过程。新疆准噶尔盆地南缘独山子泥火山柱状沉积物和地表沉积物的矿物和元素组成,以及沉积物孔隙水离子组成等的分析结果显示,泥火山沉积物孔隙水Na+和Cl–间具有很好的正相关性,具有比海水高的Na+/Cl–和Li+/Cl–值、低的K+/Cl–和Mg2+/Cl–。泥火山沉积物与围岩相比,富集伊利石、绿泥石和方解石,缺少蒙脱石,富集Ca、亏损Si,这些变化主要与黏土矿物的脱水转变有关。表明泥火山流体主要来源于深部低盐度沉积物孔隙水,但经历了地表的蒸发作用,并混合了大气降水。  相似文献   
Many concepts and interpretations on the formation of the Franciscan mélange have been proposed on the basis of exposures at San Simeon, California. In this paper, we show the distribution of chaotic rocks, their internal structures and textures, and the interrelationship between the chaotic rocks and the surrounding sandstones (turbidites). Mélange components, particularly blueschists, oceanic rocks, including greenstone, pillow lava, bedded chert, limestone, sandstone, and conglomerate, have all been brecciated by retrograde deformation. The Cambria Slab, long interpreted as a trench slope basin, is also strongly deformed by fluidization, brecciation, isoclinal folding, and thrusting, leading us to a new interpretation that turbiditic rocks (including the Cambria Slab) represent trench deposits rather than slope basin sediments. These rocks form an accretionary prism above mélanges that were diapirically emplaced into these rocks first along sinistral-thrust faults, and then along dextral-normal faults. Riedel shear systems are observed in several orders of scale in both stages. Although the exhumation of the blueschist blocks is still controversial, the common extensional fractures and brecciation in most of the blocks in the mélanges and further mixture of various lithologies into one block with mélange muddy matrix indicate that once deeply buried blocks were exhumed from considerable depths to the accretionary prism body, before being diapirically intruded with their host mélange along thrust and normal faults, during which retrograde deformation occurred together with retrograde metamorphism. Recent similar examples of high-pressure rock exhumation have been documented along the Sofugan Tectonic Line in the Izu forearc areas, in the Mineoka belt in the Boso Peninsula, and as part of accretionary prism development in the Nankai and Sagami troughs of Japan. These modern analogues provide actively forming examples of the lithological and deformational features that characterize the Franciscan mélange processes.  相似文献   
通过分析测绘产品生产过程质量管理现状,阐述了建立生产过程质量监控系统的必要性,并重点介绍了测绘产品生产过程质量管理监控系统的工作流程和具体功能。  相似文献   
农用地多功能利用是黑龙江省沿边开放带土地利用效率提升及生态经济协调发展的客观要求,农用地利用多功能性评价是其基础工作。该文系统地研究了农用地利用多功能性评价方法,测度了1996年、2004年、2013年黑龙江省农用地利用多功能状态及期间变化。研究表明,1996~2013年黑龙江省农用地利用总功能缓慢提高,多功能协调性逐步提升;农用地利用由单一功能逐渐向多功能转变。为扩大农用地利用多功能整体效应并提高农用地利用多功能协调性,稳定生产功能、加快提高经济功能、重点遏制生态功能退化、逐步提高社会功能是沿边开放带今后的农用地利用方向。  相似文献   
数字城市建设现状的实质就是数字化、网络化和智能化.数字城市是在国家信息化发展总体思路的指导下,以城市为主体,在政治、经济、文化、科技、教育和社会生活各个领域广泛应用现代信息技术,完善城市信息服务功能,提高城市管理水平和运行效率.本文介绍了数字城市成果应用、取得的成绩、体会和不足及对数字城市建设的建议.  相似文献   
Scientists’ ideas, beliefs, and discourses form the frames that shape their choices about which research to pursue, their approaches to collaboration and communicating results, and how they evaluate research outputs and outcomes. To achieve ocean sustainability, there are increasing calls for new levels of engagement and collaboration between scientists and policy-makers; scientists’ willingness to engage depends on their current and evolving frames. Here, I present results about how scientists involved in diverse fields of ocean research perceived their role as scientists working at or near the ocean science–policy interface and how this related to their perceptions regarding ocean research priorities. The survey of 2187 physical, ecological and social scientists from 94 countries showed that scientists held different perspectives about their appropriate level of engagement at the ocean science–policy interface and the relative primacy of science versus politics in formulating ocean policy. Six clusters of scientists varied in their frames; three clusters accounted for 94% of the sample. Of 67 research questions identified from 22 research prioritization and horizon scanning exercises, the top eight were shared among all three clusters, showing consistency in research priorities across scientists with different framings of their role at the science–policy interface. Five focused on the mechanisms and effects of global change on oceans, two focused on data collection and management for long-term ocean monitoring, and one focused on the links between biodiversity and ecological function at different scales. The results from this survey demonstrated that scientists’ framings of the role of ocean science at the science–policy interface can be quantified in surveys, that framing varies among scientists, and that research priorities vary according to the framings.  相似文献   
气候变化对中国农业生产影响研究展望   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
综述了气候变化背景下中国农业气候资源、农业气象灾害(干旱、洪涝、高温热浪、低温灾害)和农业病虫害的变化趋势与规律,从农业生产潜力变化、作物种植制度变化和作物品质变化等方面阐明了气候变化对中国农业生产的影响事实,分析了气候变化对中国农业生产的可能影响和中国农业生产适应气候变化的对策措施。在此基础上,针对气候变化背景下中国气候资源的时空分布特点及农业生产出现的新情况、新问题,指出了当前中国关于气候变化对农业影响研究存在的不足,提出了未来气候变化对中国农业生产影响研究需要重视的方面,为确保气候变化背景下中国的农业生产安全及粮食安全提供决策支持。  相似文献   
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